Writings / Poetry: Flower Rae Shearer

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Freedom’s Prisoner

I’m here,
I have come all this way
with nothing particular to tell You.
I brought these flowers
and water
in this vase
made of glass
made of fire
and sand
on the edge of
from under
your kaleidoscope sea.

I look into your vastness
where your waters
are as clear as your skies,
the place where they meet
is a blurring of focus
and there, clarity is defined.
Your horizon balances
infinity on a speck of hope,
timelessness is a pebble
circling out in rings
and when You play,
even stars dance in your reflection.

Your waves
slam and roll
and swirl and swell
crashing into my chest
my breath is gone
between inhale and exhale
I am lost, searching for You,
even the blood in my veins
kisses gravity’s exemption
the color drains from my face
while I smile
and tell You I’m alright.

Warm salty tears
dive down
carrying all they have to give,
all that they are, down.
Down to earth,
down where crystals make rainbows
in and outside of themselves
absorbing refracting reflecting
your rays of light,
down where my feet have walked,
leaving me to wander, to wonder
if I departed too soon
or ran too fast.
I hope You can forgive me
for what I do not know.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 Responses to “Writings / Poetry: Flower Rae Shearer”

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  1. Don Ketchy says:

    awesome write… you know how to cast a spell …blessed be.

  2. Don Ketchy says:

    Poetry indeed does write you and this world is more enlightened as a result…blessed be.

  3. Bibek Ranjan says:

    its nice yaar.

  4. Naatangeh says:

    Great works. Keep it up.

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