Writings / Poetry

Amatory Quartet (from Twilight of the Fog, Book I)

Chiedu Ezeanah

Love holds me captive again
And I tremble with bittersweet longing


The love that knots us hurts us...
-Pablo Neruda



One burnt star is enough for a child
What blood can hold all the dead stars?

He searched through the morning haze
The stout rocks breathe fear
He anointed his eyes in the sun
In shroud pictures of rain

That brood like a smile paralyzed.
What shall I sing you secret maiden
When you call flowering in a dream's

Across the stream we are only two:
I will write my flesh on your bare body
That sinks the debris in the dumb-cry of flowers
In a dawn full of outcast grass...


July Rain

A raindrop leaps on my tongue,
Bursts and swims between my lips
With soothing taste of 1st July.
Thirsts swell out of this tiny water
Thirsts roar in rushes of wraths...

Ah! My tongue, trough of toppled waters
Ah! My heart, imbibe and hoard
This noon's liquid crossings
In lyric's intercourse with intercourses-

Treeing in my tongue like a green river.
Let this green hour feed the air
With poetry that returns
Rains to the pregnant flower
Song to the inhuman hour.


What is July rain without her?
Where rains let him dream
Her voice is choiring path to blue dawns.

Where rains sought to drench him
In surging floods of longing
She bloomed like flower-doors.

Just for this song she offered
Her dark body to the breezes
Of the silent moanful lawns:

What is July rains without harps?

And to realize suddenly she's the song
She is the voided lamp
She is the drizzling evening
Where possessed palm-fronds dance!


Sweeten my dream
Sweeten my song.
What's wrong with
Meeting sweetness
With sweetness?

Love's happy sparks ignite us
And we fuse and fuse into song
That rends us and renews us.

Love is the theme
Of the ancient poets.
Love is our tune
And we grew ancient.
Divine in the communion of hearts
Poets and Love do not part!



He sought her everywhere
Until desire grew into
The permeable body and
The seductive mood of her.

Epiphanies found him out
In the arms of her who
Transformed an instant,
A taboo, an ordinary desire
Into eternal longing.

The seductive mood of her
Grew into an absence
That became a song intimate
A creased love letter,
The intimations of a love-torn sonnet.

/ Essays

Tax and Syn/Tax

Amatoritsero Ede

/ Reviews

Poetry Reviews

George Elliot Clarke

Griffen Poetry Prize


/ Fiction


Olive Senior


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Touching Home

Bunmi Oyinsan

/ Creative Non-Fiction

Going to Meet the Man

Amatoritsero Ede

/ Poetry


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Amatory Quartet

Chiedu Ezeanah

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