
J. Paul Cooper

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Harold drove his green sedan into the drugstore parking lot and stopped as far away from the other cars as possible. He had no desire to try and squeeze himself out of

the driver’s side door. He was hoping that no one would park near him, so getting in and out of the car would be easier.

He turned off the engine and stepped out of the car, being careful not to make any sudden movements. Soon enough he’d have some muscle relaxants in his system, and he hoped that his younger brother would never know how much pain he was suffering.


Tony drove to the far end of the drug store parking lot and stopped near an area with some grass. He knew from experience that Jasmine didn’t like Cuddle’s delicate paws walking on the hard pavement.  Nearby, an overweight man was slowly getting out of his green sedan. The grimace on his face clearly revealed that the man was in pain. Tony smiled; at least he wasn’t the only one suffering.

Frank got out of the car while his wife attached Cuddles’ leash to the diamond- studded collar.

Jasmine pointed a finger a Tony as he as he opened his door. “When you go into the drugstore, make sure the water is chilled Tony. Cuddles doesn’t like lukewarm water.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

Frank was about to light up a cigarette, when he noticed Jasmine glaring at him. She put her hands on her hips, a definite sign she wasn’t happy.  “I have to find Cuddles’ water dish, so you can forget about having one of those.”

He stood there holding a cigarette in one hand, and a lighter in the other. “This is getting ridiculous. I can’t smoke when I go into a restaurant anymore. I can’t smoke in the car or in the house, and I’m sure you won’t want me smoking inside the yacht either. Well, right now I’m standing in the great outdoors and I’m going to enjoy a cigarette.”

Jasmine walked over to Frank and handed him the dog’s leash. “Well, you’ll have to enjoy your dirty little habit later. Right now you’re taking Cuddles for a walk, while I find her water dish. And Cuddles will not be breathing your second-hand smoke.”

“I bet if you had to choose between me and the stupid dog, Cuddles would stay.”

Jasmine walked over and stood so close Frank could feel her breath on his face. “Cuddles is waiting.”

Frank looked around and noticed a large bush on the edge of the grassy area. Perhaps taking Cuddles for a walk wasn’t such a bad idea. “You know Jasmine, maybe you’re right. Cuddles could probably use some fresh air.”

Frank walked towards the bush feeling much better. It was perfect; he’d just walk the dog behind the bush, sit down, and have a cigarette. By the time Jasmine noticed the smoke, it would be too late.”


Harold walked back from the drugstore with the package of muscle relaxants in his hand. A luxury sedan had parked nearby, and an attractive woman with shoulder length red hair was taking something out of the trunk.

After slowly lowering himself into the driver’s seat, he took three pills and washed them down with bottled water. He looked at the digital clock on the dashboard. He had to keep moving.

His daughter was learning to drive and he constantly reminded her to look over her shoulder, before backing up. He was about to break that rule himself, because there was no way he could turn his neck around that far, at least not until the pills started working. The rearview mirror would be enough.


It was a rare moment. Frank and Cuddles were together and they were both happy.  He held the leash in his left hand and a cigarette in his right hand. The poodle sniffed the ground around the large bush, but he wasn’t concerned. If Cuddles felt the call

of nature, he’d just send Tony over for the pick-up. All he had to do was relax and enjoy his cigarette.

As Tony returned from the drug store, Jasmine was takingt the crystal water dish out of a travel bag. She poured some bottled water in the dish and opened a package of gourmet dog biscuits.

“Cuddles! Mommy has a treat!”

Frank was holding the leash loosely when Cuddles bolted and broke free. He threw his cigarette on the ground and ran after Cuddles, but the dog was moving too fast for him to catch her.


Harold started the engine and put the car in reverse. All he could see in his rearview mirror was the top of the trunk. He didn’t see the dog running behind his car as he started to back up. A spit second later, he slammed on the brakes.


Frank was stunned by the reality of what had just happened. Tony was lifting Cuddles off of the pavement. The dog’s paw was bleeding. Jasmine was hysterical. He would be blamed for what has happened. He wished it had been him instead of the dog. He’d be lucky if his wife ever spoke to him again. The chances of her going through with a divorce had increased dramatically.

In that instant, Frank made a decision; the guy in that car was going to pay.


Harold forgot about his sore neck muscles and leapt out of his car. He stared at the suffering animal. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see him. I can pay for the treatment.”

Frank stood beside Harold. “You can’t afford to pay for her treatment.”

“Can I at least put the dog in my car and take it to a vet?”

Jasmine looked up at Frank. “That evil man is not going to touch my Cuddles.”

Harold opened his trunk and took out an emergency blanket. “Well, at least let me give you this. It will keep the dog warm.”

Tony wrapped Cuddles in the blanket, carried her back to the luxury sedan, and put her in the backseat with Jasmine. Frank agreed to ride with Harold to the nearest animal hospital, just to find out where the man was going next.

The first thing Frank noticed when he got in the car with Harold was the miniature golf bag hanging from the rearview mirror. The only question Frank asked, was if Harold was going golfing. Harold was relieved by the opportunity to talk about anything but the poor dog’s suffering. He told Frank about the golf course he was going to and about his brother the cop from Toronto.

When they stopped at the animal hospital, Harold apologized for hurting the poor dog for the tenth time. Once again he offered again to pay for the dog’s treatment, but Frank refused and said he’d take care of everything.

Tony watched Harold’s car leave the animal hospital’s parking lot, and wrote down his license plate number.


Jasmine spoke into her cell phone as the luxury sedan made a return journey to the airport. Cuddles whimpered quietly beside her. “I need another private jet. I don’t care how you do it, just do it! And this time someone better make sure Cuddles gets her favourite brand of caviar.”

Frank sat in the passenger seat next to Tony, to give Cuddles more room. He looked back at his wife in the rearview mirror. “The dog lost one nail. She’s not going to die. There’s no reason we can’t take her on the yacht with us.”

Jasmine kissed the top of the poodle’s head. “Losing a nail has been a very painful experience and it has caused my Cuddles a great deal of stress. She needs to sleep in her own bed tonight.”

Frank knew there was no point in arguing. “You’re right. I understand, you only want the best for Cuddles.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “I hope you realize that there was nothing I could do. I tried to stop Cuddles. If that man had been paying attention, this wouldn’t have happened.”

Jasmine scratched Cuddles behind the ears as she spoke. “I believe you Frank. I know that you haven’t always gotten along well with Cuddles, but I know you wouldn’t want her to get hurt. The question is, what are you going to do about it?”

“I’m going to make sure that he pays for what he did. He hurt your Cuddles, so I’m going to hurt him.”

Jasmine looked at Frank’s reflection in the rearview mirror. “Good.”

An hour later Jasmine and Cuddles were on a private jet and Frank was in the backseat of the luxury sedan traveling to Halifax again. Tony held up a piece of paper.  “I wrote down his license plate number.”

Frank smiled. “We won’t need that. He’s going to play eighteen holes at his favourite golf course just outside of Halifax. He even told me how to get there. It won’t

be hard to find. That’s the problem with having a conscience. It makes you talk too much.”

Tony knew that the man who drove over the dog’s paw was as good as dead. “How are we going to do it?”

“Well, seeing I’ve already paid for the yacht, we might as well go for a cruise and take care of business old school.”

Tony nodded. “No problem boss, Johnny’s downtown at the harbor making sure everything on the yacht is just the way you wanted it. I’ll give him a call and tell him to meet us near the golf club.”

Frank smiled and lit a cigarette, inhaling deeply as he stared at the passing trees. His nephew Johnny was reliable. “Good. I want to get this done tonight.”

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1 Comment

Sibbyl October 12, 2015 at 8:32 am

I don’t think I have read a work in which I wanted to kill a character really badly.
I mean, hell, that is just plain cold. It irks me more because I realize that there are lots of people out there for whom man’s life counts as nothing.
Great job, Cooper in revealing man at his finest*.


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