Writings / Poetry: Wale Owoade

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A Prologue

(Written after Gachugau’s ‘Promenade’)

Certain thoughts are brutal to
my own fears

I am a traveller at night, I write
the night with every face I met

In a sense, I am either my poems
or the man talking in my poems.


To A Fat Woman by Her Lover

My woman wears her pudding well
ever faithful, ever knowing
one rod and one pestle
her anger lives in pointed fingers
and silent chuckles of grown stares.

My woman loves her lover well
but who else will love her
when she carries the
world’s troubles in her breast
yet missing so much in her heart?
When her body knows
the shape of shame?
When her thighs are twice
the size of guilt?

But my love for her is a kiss,
a kiss ever knowing that
kisses are external,
my love for her is a love
a love ever knowing that
love is internal

Pages: 1 2 3

5 Responses to “Writings / Poetry: Wale Owoade”

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  1. Makeba Kedem-DuBose says:

    Your words should be heard by every Black/African woman who has to contend with the world’s ideals of her imperfection since the dawn of time. Thank you for your beautiful words. peace…

  2. Wale Owoade says:

    Thank you, Makeba. I appreciate.

  3. Hilla says:

    I love your writing, I hope you can come to read some of your poems to us at the women Rosh Chodesh circle.



  4. Impressed, congratulations from Toronto

  5. bridgit says:

    i love that poem..its rich in words as well as there significance.
    kudos Wale

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