Stephen Newell

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Wolf vs. Sheep


Did you know,

The wolf does something each week keeping him from church on Sunday.

While lost sheep attend service knowing the bible but not knowing Jesus

Cunning wolves. Concocting callus calculation constantly while concurrently conniving to castrate and
consume all slow, scattered & susceptible sheep


Wander aimlessly, graze leisurely as our lambs grow fat off vegetation … & PlayStation

Pulling wool so far over our eyes that we are unable to recognize sheep’s wool from wolves in sheep’s clothing

So black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, but I’m keeping all of mine

For the second you fall asleep those wolves camouflaged as sheep will sheer you.

We see the 10 extra teeth in your sheepish grin
We see the lies in your yellow-green eyes
Our third eye is open allowing us to see through your loopholes, we see through your loopholes, we see through your wolf holes.

Wanting us to join their angry pack of hungry wolves preying on those that pray. Sheering sheep, shanking shanks off of shoulders, shots off of sternums then placing us on the back of trucks…

Only difference being, some return packaged ready to eat while others return packaged ready to bury so counting sheep, that’s no longer an option for that number is far too steep and I tend to fall asleep after a certain point.

When Peter cried wolf for the 30th time I still ran… just in case, just to be safe….ty in numbers,

Like sheep in flocks or wolves in packs. Bags packed backpack on route to grandma’s when a detour was suggested by a fellow with large teeth, ears, and eyes.

Teeth spoke the lies
Ears heard what they wanted to hear
Those eyes, scoured surroundings searching for signs of weakness…. a sign to strike

2012 they’ve evolved past needing a full moon to turn into a werewolf, wear wolf while sheep work 6 days a week on 5 hours sleep, eating yesterday’s feed… not giving a bleat.

Freezing from needing as wolves furnish their dens with warm wool woven from world’s sheep
making hoods.. to cover their faces when they’re up to no good
making hoods… at 300% profit in countries where English is barely understood
making hoods… Detroit, Jane & Finch, Manilla
So we don’t care if this raises hackles

We don’t give a flock if this gets us arrested chained and shackled
We don’t give a bleat if these meek sheep don’t hear the revolution and subsequently get trampled
Understand… we’re hip to your game, we see them hiding

So howl all you want
Bay at the moon as much as you feel necessary
Call your pig friends, call white fang, call Mowgli
Just know,

The time is right, and the bounty is high
So lets stop flockin’ around and act like we give a bleat.

So black sheep… have you any wool?
Yes Sir, but I’m keeping all of mine.

Prufrock Shadowrunner
“Wolf vs. Sheep”

3 Responses to “Stephen Newell”

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  1. Hello,

    I would really like to invite Stephen to perform at an arts event I am hosting, can anyone give me his email? Or perhaps put him in touch with me? I can’t find any of his contact information.

    Thank you!

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