Festival of Life

Literary Fetes in Images

David Byrne lead a discussion on urban living and alternative transportation at St. Brigid’s Centre for the Arts & Humanities, Ottawa International Writers Festival.

Have any images to share?

We can't be everywhere at once! If you have images of a recent literary event, and would like them featured here, please upload them in our Submissions section.

Festival of Life Gallery

You can view any of the pieces of artwork in this gallery by clicking on the thumbnails below:

© Charles Earl images 1-6
© John W. Macdonald images A-K

About The Photographer


John W. Macdonald is the unofficial photographer of Ottawa’s literary Scene. Although not a writer like Carl Van Vechten, he is still to Ottawa what the former was to the Harlem Renaissance in terms of visual arts. His lenses are indispensable to the archiving of Ottawa’s unfolding scribal history.

“To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams.”

Giorgio de Chirico
Featured Artist

Winter Green

–Carla Goldberg