Writings / Poetry: Luca Xifona

Pages: 1 2 3

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I want a scalding day, when sheets are waves,
And your body is water and mine is boat,
And we shiver caught in a sirocco,
Mutual, so we clutch at foam and froth.
You live in Denmark, home of blizzard ice,
But are volcano-hot, immense with fire.
And when I find you in bed, I find flesh
As wet as wine, furious to be drunk.
Your lips, agile, don’t saunter: If sugar’s
Communication, if I want sweetness
Incessant, gulping, like a sculptor hungry
For a woman who is untamed marble—
Manna, measured freshness, untouched whiteness—
A light burning nocturnally, I come.

Pages: 1 2 3

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