Patrick De Belen

Pages: 1 2

Too Many Narrators

We ended up with way too many narrators.
But not to worry,
Because “Be the change you wish to see in the world” is now under 140 characters.
Our generation was able to make ‘Revolution’ into a vintage plaid shirt, stuffed in a trash bag.
All we had to do was buy one from a thrift shop and give it a filter and a hashtag and voila.
We all wanted so badly for John Lennon to rise from the dead,
Just so he can endorse the circular framed glasses and the iPhone 10.
We all wanted to believe that he would launch is conscious folk duet project with Ono and not sellout,
And we act surprised when he gets a bunch of DUIs and releases a dance remix to “Imagine” featuring Deadmau5
I encourage you to look closer.
You’d see that it’s the same scenes on these broken projectors.
It’s the same dusty textbooks in our history lectures.
Our megaphones are beginning to sound like broken records;
Useless chants by young pawns obsessed with being kings, but never taught chess or checkers,

But just how to be these necrophiliac Hannibal Lecters, raping the corpses of our dead predecessors,
Just to suck away a quote.
And we wonder why,
The eagles and the falcons rarely leave the treetops.
Once upon a time,
They came to teach us how to spread our wings for freedom,
And look,
We became a bunch of parrots and peacocks.
Now some may call me a lazy pessimist, and to be honest, I have to agree.
See I used to be that kid that waited for someone to move me, but all I heard were these clowns yappin’ about some backwards movement, blaring from my TV.

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